Construction Zone

May 25, 2010

She came home today
from the doctor’s office
with a Barbie sticker on her
fat baby belly.

It took me by surprise–
after these years of boys I have
grown accustomed to
dump trucks and race cars.

And all I could think
is how different this
whole girl thing is–
what with the dolls and the

tutus and the pink pink pink
on everything. No one calls
a little boy “Daddy’s little bumblebee”
or “sweet baby butterfly.”

And I don’t even want to imagine
the differences there will be someday–
when she has entered and then left
the Barbie stage.

But today I’m simply left with the thought,
as I pull the sticker off her onesie,
that I’d be more comfortable with Barbie
if she were driving a dump truck.


Thinking about Barbies, thanks to Marcus Goodyear and Tweetspeak Poetry. Click the links to learn more.

8 Responses to “Construction Zone”

  1. Here’s a really interesting thing: her creator DID drive a huge delivery truck once when they couldn’t afford to hire men to do the delivery. She backed the truck into the docking area while being watched by workers. She had a dress and heels on. Ruth Handler was an amazing woman.

    I love your poem. It’s so wonderful.

  2. girls are “full” of surprises!

  3. Joe Suzz said

    very sweet.

  4. laura said

    heehee! I have no girls here. Once, I tried to help my boys be more well-rounded. I bought them a play kitchen with itty bits of thousands of pieces of plastic food. They would take the foodstuffs and load up their trucks and dump it all over the house. Then, they used the refrigerator for a launchpad to jump high and far.

    So much for that.

  5. Heather said

    Barbie could rock it in a dump truck. I bet she thinks Ken’s tractor’s sexy.

  6. There is the John Deere Barbie

    But I’m with you about gender differences. Mostly we just try to go with the flow. If my son wants to go Monster Truck for awhile, we let him. If he wants to play artist or dress up or legos legos legos. We’re all for it.

    My daughter is all about reading and writing and barbies and fairies. I confess I did little to encourage her “cheerleader” phase, instead praying at night, “Dear God, deliver her from cheerleading…”

  7. My Barbie drove my brother’s Tonka jeep!

  8. […] Though there were many great entries, I liked this poem. It’s from Erin of Together for Good… […]

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